Davide Mastracci

Thank you, Andrew Coyne

Thank you, Andrew Coyne

Coyne is a good example of what privileged journalists should do: use their status to push back against the status quo when necessary

Andrew Coyne resigned as the editor of the Editorials and Comment section of the National Post today, and journalists should be thankful he did. The resignation comes after Postmedia executives prevented Coyne from writing a column dissenting from the National Post’s endorsement of the Conservative Party of Canada because it would “confuse readers and embarrass […]

 Katrina Eschner

Much ado about endorsements

Much ado about endorsements

RRJ does a round-up of the newspaper endorsements for #elxn42

Election day is finally, finally upon us, but the longest campaign in Canadian history since 1872 didn’t end quietly for the country’s print newspapers. If anything, it ended nonsensically. Questions of who controls newspapers’ editorial voice haunted the final week of #elxn42 as print media outlets published their editorial board’s federal election choices. Some internet […]