Friday’s attacks were not the deadliest violence in France since the Second World War

Journalists must be careful to avoid phrasing that distorts the truth and ignores history
Paris was hit by a series of simultaneous and organized acts of violence late Friday night, with over 129 casualties as a result of the attacks thus far. The event has received a wide range of press coverage, and many myths have been spread in the scramble to understand what happened, as BuzzFeed helpfully notes. […]
The Brampton Guardian’s Uphill Battle

Why one of Canada’s fastest-growing cities may not be getting the coverage it deserves
By Jessica Galang After working a 12-hour shift on a Friday night in 1983, the Brampton Guardian’s editors and writers head to Ricky Joe’s, their fa- vourite nearby hangout. When they open their menus, they see a picture of themselves from one of the many nights they’ve spent there. These reporters don’t mind putting in the […]