November 19, 2014
Ryerson Review of Journalism
1964 National Newspaper Award , canadian journalism , Don Obe , Editor , journalism schools , literary journalism , Maclean's , Masthead , national magazine awards , New York Herald Tribune , Outstanding Achievement Award , professional standards , Ryerson Journalism , Ryerson Review of Journalism , Ryerson University , Ryerson’s School of Journalism , The Banff Literary Journalism , The Canadian , the Review , The Toronto Telegram , The Vancouver Sun , Toronto Daily Star , toronto life , Tribute , Tribute to Don Obe

A digital wake of salutes and stories for the Review founder, pioneer of Canadian literary journalism and rebellious spirit
Don Obe 1936-2014 No better magazine editor ever put pencil to paper than Don Obe. And that’s when he would have stopped me. “Awkward sentence, Paul,” he would have said. “And what kind of pencil? Short? Stubby? 2B? HB? Eraser? Details, Paul, details.” I met Don at this time of year in 1961 […]