Levelling the Playing Field

Women are vastly under-represented in sports journalism, but some female leaders are tackling the skewed gender balance and ingrained sexism
At age 12, Julie Scott was the only girl in a boys’ hockey team. There were no girls’ teams when she was growing up in the 1980s in Guelph, Ontario, but she was determined to play hockey just like her big brother. Buried under padding and sometimes using her brother’s old equipment, she proved she […]
Prize Fighters

Sports sections are on the ropes, but columnists with distinctive voices are still throwing punches
Sports sections are on the ropes, but columnists with distinctive voices are still throwing punches
Missed opportunity: the Rice video was about domestic abuse, not sports

When a football player hit a woman in an elevator, journalists were quick to write about it, but too many wrote about the wrong issue
By Alanna Kelly There are many viral videos that The Globe and Mail columnist Elizabeth Renzetti refuses to watch, but she had to see the video that showed Ray Rice punching his then-fiancée Janay Palmer. As disgusting as it was, it showed an issue that people needed to talk about. The couple had just left […]