Was Justin Trudeau’s boycott of Sun Media justified or an unfair obstruction?

In 1967, Pierre Elliott Trudeau famously said, “There’s no place for the state in the bedrooms of the nation.” Recently, Trudeau’s bedroom activities were fair game for Ezra Levant on his show, The Source. Levant said Liberal leader Justin Trudeau’s “frat boy” antics around a stranger’s bridal party were no surprise considering his parents’ behavior, […]
Breaking faith: are religious newspapers reporting or preaching?

Why Christian outlets are now PR arms of the churches they once held accountable
By Luc Rinaldi I don’t have a story. That’s my first thought as I emerge from a downtown subway station on an overcast October afternoon in 2011. I’m on assignment to cover a pro-life rally for The Catholic Register, a Toronto-based religious weekly, but the small turnout—two dozen picketers line the sidewalk—hardly constitutes news. As I […]
The Little Paper That Shrank

After the resignation of editor-in-chief Jim Jennings, Sun Media is set to rationalize editorial with its "Centres of Excellence," producing identical content for Sun papers in different cities
On the night of Tuesday, September 19, Toronto Sun city hall reporter Rob Granatstein heard something that upset him. Please say it isn’t so, wrote Granatstein in an email to Jim Jennings. Right now, I’m still your editor-in-chief, replied Jennings. Wait until 10 a.m. tomorrow morning. Then we’ll talk. At 10 a.m. the next morning […]