How BlackBerry execs bullied journalists and why nobody fought back

The story Canadian writers missed when they didn't report on Research In Motion's abysmal press relations.
By Christina Pellegrini When John Stackhouse first met Jim Balsillie at a business social almost a decade ago, the co-CEO of Research In Motion didn’t mince words. Once Balsillie figured out who Stackhouse was—the freshly appointed editor of The Globe and Mail’s Report on Business section—he pointed a finger at him and launched into an attack […]
How Michael Lewis scooped me

By Christina Pellegrini I’ve read 180 pages of the new Michael Lewis book Flash Boys and like <a” href=””>Reuters blogger Felix Salmon, I haven’t come across anything major that I didn’t already know about high-frequency trading and what it’s done to financial markets. I’ve been interested in HFT for a few years. The first feature I wrote in […]
Polar vortex meme shows journalists don’t have the weather down to a science
When reporters sacrifice accuracy for readership and retweets, they deserve cold criticism
A retired Pennsylvania State University academic is “mad as hell” at journalists for getting the story so wrong during January’s record-breaking chilly temperatures. “The broadcasters and bloggers who introduced ‘polar vortex’ into the discussion of Arctic outbreaks this January made a giant, unscientific leap,” former lecturer and forecaster Lee Grenci wrote on a Penn State […]