I’m dyin’ up here!

Why Canadian magazines have come to bury humour, not praise it
The Set-up Definition: the premise of a pre-arranged outcome A writer and an editor are lost in the desert. They’ve been without food or water for days, and it’s beginning to look like this is the end. Then, they see a shimmer on the horizon. They run toward it. It’s an oasis! An editorial team […]
CNN’s Vice

A magazine known for its urban coolness and lewd imagery has partnered up with CNN. Vice Magazine, a former zine hailing from Montreal, has started featuring a series of short documentaries on CNN.com (the first went viral last Wednesday). It’s an unlikely pairing, but Vice founder Shane Smith says there’s logic behind the madness. “If […]
With Files From…

Google hasn't made newspaper research librarians redundant. In fact, they're as busy as ever, even if they rarely receive the recognition they deserve
It was straight business that morning and Celia Donnelly knew it. On September 1, 2009, The Globe and Mail’s chief librarian woke up to an unexpected project. The night before, cyclist Darcy Allan Sheppard died in an incident involving a car driven by former Ontario attorney general Michael Bryant and her assignment was to dig […]
Balls to Men’s Health

What a rip off. Men’s Health rehashed seven of its cover lines from a 2007 issue and dropped them onto its current cover, adorned by new boy-toy Taylor Lautner. The cover lines are copied verbatim, even positioned in the exact same locations. The colours of the text are changed here and there, you know, just in case readers […]