December 2, 2015
Viviane Fairbank
blogging , Maisonneuve , Podcast , rrjoffleash , sex , sex blogging , sex journalism , skinnydip , terminology

Offleash is the Ryerson Review of Journalism‘s first-ever regular podcast, published on every second Wednesday at 3:33 p.m. In this week’s episode, Eternity, our multimedia editor, hosts the Offleash podcast solo, and it’s all about sex. She speaks with Kate Sloan, a sex journalist who recently published an article in Maisonneuve about female ejaculation, about […]
October 23, 2012
Graham Silnicki
blog news , blogging , City , national post , repurposing , Rob Roberts , Shawn Micallef , unauthorized byline

Large dailies see city bloggers as ground-level troops in the 24/7 news reporting cycle
The sun is still nestled well beneath the horizon in the early hours of June 29. Across Toronto, delivery trucks slip through the streets, stopping at clusters of newspaper boxes and filling them with still-warm stacks of the new day’s issue. Shawn Micallef, associate editor for Spacing magazine, walks eastward, towards downtown and home. He […]