Snapchat: From the home to the newsroom

In the second of RRJ's two-part series on "Journalism via Snapchat," Carine Abouseif looks at how Canadian journalists are using the app to create news stories
The little ghosts of Snapchat have been taking over my Twitter feed this last month. We’ve talked about how Snapchat is being used for a kind of citizen journalism. But not much has been said about how professional journalists and news outlets are using the app—at least not in Canada. These little white ghosts on […]
Snapchat: From questionable selfies to quality storytelling

In the first of RRJ's 2-part series on "Journalism via Snapchat," Nicole Schmidt suggests that people with smartphones are increasingly important in a journalism landscape where budgets for foreign reporters have diminished
It’s 8:51 p.m. in Athens, just minutes before the decision on whether Greece should accept financial help from the rest of Europe will be announced. A cell phone captures footage of the crowds gathered outside the parliament building—some hold signs with the words “no, ox!” printed in bold black letters; others carry brightly-coloured flags that […]