Balancing Act

The second I step into the newsroom, my boss bolts up and out of his seat—I need to book an interview with the mayor of Moncton immediately. On June 4, 2014, three RCMP officers died in a mass shoot- ing. The next day, the search for the lone gunman is still on. I try to […]
Silenced Spring

Environmental reporters are turning to crowdfunding—but their voices are becoming whispers in the noise of news
Environmental reporters are turning to crowdfunding—but their voices are becoming whispers in the noise of news
TEASER: Silenced Spring

Here is a sneak peek at one story from our Spring 2015 issue of the Ryerson Review of Journalism magazine. Edited by Jennifer Joseph and Alanna Kelly
Sun News Network goes dark

At 5 a.m. yesterday, the screen went dark for Sun News Network. There was not one on-air announcement before the Sun TV logo appeared on the screen, eventually being replaced with notices from distributors that the channel has ceased operation. News of the closure leaked online before the formal letter was sent to the 150 […]
The coming ethical battle over reporting with drones

Journalists are excited about the possibilities offered by the technology, but the public is wary
By Amanda Panacci It began with an aerial shot of a wheat field. The September 24 lead story on CBC’s The National recounted the horrific murder of three Aboriginal boys near Pefferlaw, Ontario, more than five decades ago. But the brief, beautiful opening visual was noteworthy because it was the first shot aired from CBC’s […]
Can crowdfunded Ricochet survive to create a journalistic utopia?

Ricochet is the latest attempt to unite crowdfunding and journalism in Canada. On October 2, Ricochet launched as an independent, interactive, investigative and not-for-profit online news outlet with a promise to embrace Canadian identity by producing bilingual content. Their campaign video was posted on Indiegogo on May 20 and managed to raise an impressive $82, […]