Ricochet hasn’t changed Canadian journalism, but it’s worth having around

The crowdfunded adversarial publication seeks to offer an alternative in the Canadian journalism landscape
Ricochet launched on October 2, 2014, with a lofty goal: to build a model of journalism that serves public instead of corporate interests. Just over a year later Ricochet is still around, and while it’s nowhere near accomplishing all of its goals, it’s a valuable addition to the Canadian media landscape. The publication is comprised […]
Can crowdfunded Ricochet survive to create a journalistic utopia?

Ricochet is the latest attempt to unite crowdfunding and journalism in Canada. On October 2, Ricochet launched as an independent, interactive, investigative and not-for-profit online news outlet with a promise to embrace Canadian identity by producing bilingual content. Their campaign video was posted on Indiegogo on May 20 and managed to raise an impressive $82, […]