Canadian journalists must support Vice’s fight against the RCMP

An attack on VICE’s right to freedom of the press is an attack on the right to freedom of the press for all
Royal Canadian Mounted Police (RCMP) officers entered Vice Canada’s offices in Toronto and Montreal in February. The officers served Vice with a production order–similar to a search warrant–demanding “any notes and all records of communication” between Vice reporter Ben Makuch and an ISIL militant. Makuch interviewed the Canadian ISIL militant, Farah Mohamed Shirdon, through Kik Messenger […]
Balancing Act

The second I step into the newsroom, my boss bolts up and out of his seat—I need to book an interview with the mayor of Moncton immediately. On June 4, 2014, three RCMP officers died in a mass shoot- ing. The next day, the search for the lone gunman is still on. I try to […]
Cop Out

Police seizures are forcing reporters to become partners in crime fighting. And even the Supreme Court condones it
In June 1987, CBC reporter Claude Gervais and a cameraman rushed into a post office in Pointe-Claire, Quebec to film angry strikers as they trashed the interior. The item that later appeared on the news did not show the faces of the strikers a stipulation of the union leader who let Gervais in-but some of […]