Online Exclusives

 Iain Alec Bain

12 Days of the RRJ: Day 7 – George Bain

George Bain pioneered the modern political column in Canada for The Globe and Mail in the late 1950s. His contribution to Canadian journalism led to him being named to the Order of Canada in 2001. Bain was also difficult to deal with, holding his peers and editors to the same exacting standards he maintained throughout his life. In his final book, Gotcha! How the Media Distort the News, Bain turns a characteristically uncompromising eye to his own kind: journalists.

Read Iain Alec Bain’s examination of George Bain’s career in the upcoming issue of the Ryerson Review of Journalism, which launches December 14 at the Cadillac Lounge. Until then, Iain Alec Bain’s podcast brings you a taste of the unrelenting George Bain. Iain Alec Bain is not related to George Bain.

 Wendy Gillis

12 Days of the RRJ: Day 6 – OpenFile

12 Days of the RRJ: Day 6 – OpenFile

OpenFile is a new local news site that puts readers on the assignment desk. Neither citizen journalism nor top-down news model, OpenFile—which launched in Toronto in May—asks readers to suggest the stories they think need exposure. Topics, often accompanied by multimedia elements, have been as big as the municipal election and as small as a neighbourhood corner store closing. And while the site is not yet a household name, it has recently expanded to Vancouver and Ottawa.

Wendy Gillis spoke to Nick Taylor-Vaisey, the editor of Ottawa’s OpenFile and Karen Pinchin, the editor of Vancouver’s OpenFile, to see how the early days of hyperlocal, collaborative reporting have gone. Join the neighbourhood conversation with Gillis’s feature on Toronto’s OpenFile in the Ryerson Review of Journalism, which launches on December 14 at the Cadillac […]

 Elaine Zlotkowski

12 Days of the RRJ: Day 5 – Gazeta Gazeta

In Canada’s Polish-language press, Gazeta Gazeta is king. For 22 years, it has been a forerunner among Polish papers, providing news about Canada that helps immigrants adapt to their new homes and striving to leave the prejudices of the old world behind. Now, with its newest baby, Polonium, it is embarking on uncharted terrain in Canada’s ethnic media landscape. The portal is setting its sights on attracting second and third generations by providing news about Poland in English.

The challenge? Getting these increasingly assimiliated, hyphenated Canadians interested in news about their ancestral homeland. If it does well, Polonium could provide a model for ethnic media in Canada. But, can it succeed? Zobaczymy (We shall see). Find out in Elaine Zlotkowski’s profile of the new portal in the Winter 2011 issue of the Ryerson […]

 Lindsey Aubin

12 Days of the RRJ: Day 4 – Citytv

When Citytv first took to the airwaves in 1972, it was clear it was television with a difference. But now, the Toronto station has lost its unique flair and seems tired and mundane. Everyone has his or her favourite villain for Citytv's decline, but it could use a new hero who’ll do something as visionary as its co-creator Moses Znaimer did almost 40 years ago.

Look for Aubin’s account of Citytv’s demise in the Winter 2011 issue of the Ryerson Review of Journalism, which launches on December 14 at the Cadillac Lounge in Toronto. Images courtesy of: Diego_3336, BAMCAT, Richard_Miles, gjones, stevenharris,, StarbuckGuy, wyliepoon, xtinabot, Sweet One, David Topping, betsyweber, slava, neck.face, axelsrose.

 Ashley Csanady

12 Days of the RRJ: Day 3 – Twitter on the Hill

12 Days of the RRJ: Day 3 – Twitter on the Hill

As more and more Canadians consume their news on a growing variety of platforms and devices, handheld reporting is changing how Parliamentary news is produced, consumed and digested. As Twitter takes the Hill, here is Ashley Csanady’s list of the top ten political reporters you should be following.

Bonus Round: Can you match the political pundit to his or her tweet? Look below for the answers. Kings and Queens of the Hill • David Akin, Sun Media parliamentary bureau chief (@davidakin) Tireless and knows what’s up in Ottawa. Always one of the first members of the gallery to jump on new technology. • Rosemary […]

 Marlee Kostiner

12 Days of the RRJ: Day 2 – Swerve

12 Days of the RRJ: Day 2 – Swerve

Swerve magazine isn’t your typical newspaper supplement. A staple in Friday’s Calgary Herald, the award-winning insert, with its quirky style and long-form journalism, is more than just an events guide. Swerve’s editor, Shelley Youngblut, wants to start a conversation about Calgary. The magazine’s editorial and financial success mean it could serve as a model for other cities.

Meet Youngblut and Swerve in Kostiner’s feature for the Winter 2011 issue of the Ryerson Review of Journalism, launching on December 14 at the Cadillac Lounge in Toronto.

 Kristina Gutauskas

12 Days of the RRJ: Day 1 – Matt Galloway

12 Days of the RRJ: Day 1 – Matt Galloway

After waking up Torontonians for 15 years, Andy Barrie stepped down as host of CBC Radio One’s Metro Morning. He left the program at high ratings and passed the mic to Matt Galloway. Will the new show hold up to expectations? Kristina Gutauskas takes to the streets to find out what listeners think about the show—then and now.

Look for Gutauskas’s profile of Galloway and the new Metro Morning in the Winter 2011 issue of the Ryerson Review of Journalism, launching on December 14 at the Cadillac Lounge in Toronto.

 Michelle Medford

Taddle Creek Editor Speaks about the Magazine’s Tour

Taddle Creek Editor Speaks about the Magazine’s Tour

Michelle Medford speaks to Taddle Creek editor-in-chief Conan Tobias about the magazine's decision to go on tour

Michelle Medford speaks to Taddle Creek editor-in-chief Conan Tobias about the magazine’s decision to go on tour.

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