Online Exclusives

 Ryerson Review of Journalism

PODCAST: Allegations of Jian Ghomeshi & the role of journalists covering sexual assault

We spoke with Celine Cooper from Montreal’s The Gazette, Scaachi Koul from Hazlitt, Robyn Urback from the National Post and Margaret Wente from The Globe and Mail about how the issues surrounding sexual assault, rape and abuse should be covered by journalists. Listen here:

 Alanna Kelly

Missed opportunity: the Rice video was about domestic abuse, not sports

Missed opportunity: the Rice video was about domestic abuse, not sports

When a football player hit a woman in an elevator, journalists were quick to write about it, but too many wrote about the wrong issue

By Alanna Kelly There are many viral videos that The Globe and Mail columnist Elizabeth Renzetti refuses to watch, but she had to see the video that showed Ray Rice punching his then-fiancée Janay Palmer. As disgusting as it was, it showed an issue that people needed to talk about. The couple had just left […]

 Cormac McGee

Government secrecy thwarts coverage of spill at B.C. mine

Government secrecy thwarts coverage of spill at B.C. mine

Without access to inspection reports, journalists can’t report what really happened at Mount Polley

By Cormac McGee Out at the Mount Polley mine site in south-central British Columbia in mid-September 2014, Gordon Hoekstra found himself with a few hours to kill before his flight back to Vancouver. The mine’s dammed tailings pond—which holds fine rock particles left over after the ore is extracted—had breached a few weeks earlier on […]

 Jennifer Joseph

The Most Tales: Jonathan Goldsbie

Jonathan Goldsbie tells us about his MOST terrifying moment in his career.

 Erica Lenti

Social media and television news: never the twain shall meet

Social media and television news: never the twain shall meet

After seven months on air, CTV's Kevin Newman Live gave up trying to bridge the gap between online interaction and traditional broadcast journalism

By: Erica Lenti It started with a shaky, selfie-angled smartphone shot. Kevin Newman, then 54, held his device up for the opening monologue of his new TV show the same way a teenager would at the club—arm raised, head slightly tilted. He then began the broadcast straight from his smartphone. The night’s top story, Newman […]

 Megan Matsuda

Stories Behind the Shots – Peter Bregg

Peter Bregg has been capturing Canadian history on the run through his lens for 48 years. He is the first photojournalist to win the Canadian Journalism Foundation’s Lifetime Achievement Award. Watch now to learn about the stories behind the shots he takes.  

 Jessica Geboers

Podcast: Emergent.Info

Podcast: Emergent.Info

Do pumpkin spice condoms exist or what about a three breasted lady? Arielle Piat-Sauve met with Craig Silverman, founder of  Emergent.Info, a real time rumour tracker. Listen here:  

 Jessica Geboers

Spring 2015: Meet the Masthead

Meet this years Spring 2015 Masthead for the Ryerson Review of Journalism. We turned it around on our journalists and asked them the questions.

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