Scaachi Koul faced some legitimate criticism that shouldn’t be ignored

Fatima Syed's blog post lacks the level of nuance needed when discussing race and representation
My fellow blog editor Fatima Syed wrote an important blog post yesterday responding to the Twitter debate regarding BuzzFeed Canada senior writer Scaachi Koul’s appearance on The National. I agree with the main argument put across in Syed’s post: we need to fight for newsroom diversity in order to allow more women of colour to […]
We need to talk about female journalists of colour

How a panel on Trudeau's cabinet decision became a debate about the racial appearance of a female journalist
As with many things on the internet, it all started with someone stating their 140-character opinion about something they had watched. what else do i need to do here — Scaachi (@Scaachi) November 2, 2015 The comment was made in regard to Scaachi Koul’s appearance during a segment on The National about affirmative action in Prime […]
Inequality, still

Vivian Smith discusses the challenges of being a woman in journalism
For young reporters, journalism is a game of chicken. You can swerve away early, taking a relatively cushy job in public relations, but if you wait too long to jump ship, you might find yourself without a job at all. It’s hard to think about anything other than survival. That’s a metaphor that Vivian Smith […]
The Question of Rape

Heated rhetoric aside, are journalists out of touch with the risks female reporters face in conflict zones?
On Day 11 of the Egyptian uprising against the 30-year rule of President Hosni Mubarak, Globe and Mail correspondent Sonia Verma and her colleague Patrick Martin were walking through what she describes as the “nouveau riche” neighbourhood of Mohandeseen. Verma was filming a pro-Mubarak crowd marching in the streets. At first this all-male crowd seemed friendly, […]

At 19, Heather Robertson wrote an editorial that enflamed the college jocks, sparking a career dedicated to fearless reporting. A revealing look at Canada's feistiest journalist
Heather Robertson wanted no part of a football team.In 1961, the University of Manitoba was again considering forming a squad, even though teams had already folded twice due to high costs and low support. But “the football boys,” as Robertson called them, wanted to try again—at the expense of the students and administration. So, as […]